See also: Reading

For creative writing, do whatever you like. For everything else...

Write succinctly:

  • New readers don't know if reading your work will be worth their time.
  • Be respectful of your readers' time.

Write clearly:

  • There is inherent loss in all communication. Minimize it.
  • Know your audience, if you have a target audience.
  • English is not the world's first language.

These goals can be at odds, so find your balance.

Break bad habits caused by meeting word count minimums from school. It's a waste of everyone's time.

When I first deliberately started to write with both of these goals, I agonized over meeting both of them. Over time, I began improving at using clear and concise wording, and now it takes less effort.

Version control commit messages are a frequent place that make both of these goals a challenge. When reviewing teammates' commit messages, I frequently find things that could have been reworded shorter, without losing meaning.


Putting punctuation inside quotes when it wasn't originally inside the quote makes no sense.

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