Homebrew packages

Install homebrew

Homebrew package list
  • brew cask install iterm2
  • brew cask install firefox
  • brew cask install menumeters
  • brew cask install itsycal
  • brew cask install osxfuse
  • brew cask install xquartz
  • brew cask install docker
  • brew cask install keepingyouawake
  • brew cask install visual-studio-code
  • brew cask install android-platform-tools
  • brew cask install blender
  • brew cask install gimp
  • brew cask install google-chrome
  • brew cask install keepassxc
  • brew cask install keka
  • brew cask install meld
  • brew cask install mpv
  • brew cask install qlvideo
  • brew cask install vlc
  • brew cask install wine
  • brew cask install wireshark
  • brew cask install sensiblesidebuttons
  • brew install bash
  • brew install bat
  • brew install awscli
  • brew install bindfs
  • brew install cloc
  • brew install cmake
  • brew install codemod
  • brew install coreutils
  • brew install ctags
  • brew install curl
  • brew install dash
  • brew install deno
  • brew install direnv
  • brew install dos2unix
  • brew install elm
  • brew install expect
  • brew install ffmpeg
  • brew install figlet
  • brew install findutils
  • brew install flac
  • brew install fswatch
  • brew install fzf
  • brew install gawk
  • brew install gdb
  • brew install gettext
  • brew install git
  • brew install git-gui
  • brew install gnu-getopt
  • brew install gnu-sed
  • brew install gnu-tar
  • brew install grep
  • brew install htop
  • brew install ipmitool
  • brew install jq
  • brew install kubernetes-cli
  • brew install lame
  • brew install less
  • brew install lesspipe
  • brew install mcrypt
  • brew install media-info
  • brew install mosh
  • brew install msgpack
  • brew install nasm
  • brew install ncdu
  • brew install neovim
  • brew install netcat
  • brew install nim
  • brew install nmap
  • brew install openssh
  • brew install opus
  • brew install p7zip
  • brew install parallel
  • brew install perl
  • brew install pngcrush
  • brew install progress
  • brew install pv
  • brew install python
  • brew install rsync
  • brew install rubberband
  • brew install shellcheck
  • brew install sloccount
  • brew install socat
  • brew install sqlite
  • brew install ssh-copy-id
  • brew install sshfs
  • brew install telnet
  • brew install tcl-tk
  • brew install testdisk
  • brew install tig
  • brew install tmux
  • brew install toilet
  • brew install tree
  • brew install ttyrec
  • brew install unar
  • brew install unrar
  • brew install upx
  • brew install vbindiff
  • brew install vim
  • brew install watch
  • brew install webp
  • brew install wget
  • brew install wrk
  • brew install xmlstarlet
  • brew install x264
  • brew install x265
  • brew install xz
  • brew install yasm
  • brew install youtube-dl
  • brew install yq
  • brew install zsh
  • brew install zstd

Paid software:

  • brew cask install contexts
  • brew cask install bartender
  • brew cask install sublime-text
  • brew cask install jetbrains-toolbox
  • brew cask install soundsource


  • Remove junk from the dock and put the dock on the left

Finder preferences

  • General
    • New Finder windows show: your home folder
  • Sidebar
    • Recents: unchecked
    • Your home folder: unchecked
    • iCloud Drive: unchecked
    • Recent Tags: unchecked
  • Advanced
    • Show all filename extensions: checked
    • Keep folders on top: In windows when sorting by name: checked
    • When performing a search: Search the Current Folder

System preferences


  • Show scroll bars: Always

Desktop & Screen Saver

  • Screen Saver -> Hot Corners -> Top right: Lock Screen

Mission Control

  • Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use: unchecked
  • Displays have separate spaces: unchecked


  • Enable Ask Siri: unchecked
  • Show Siri in menu bar: unchecked
  • Siri Suggestions & Privacy: all checkboxes of all apps: unchecked


  • Applications: checked
  • Calculator: checked
  • Conversion: checked
  • Definition: checked
  • System Preferences: checked
  • Everything else: unchecked

Language & Region

  • General -> Advanced -> Dates -> Set YYYY-MM-DD for Short and Medium formats


  • Disable all the notifications


  • Mouse & Trackpad -> Trackpad Options -> Enable Dragging: checked, with three finger drag


  • Show volume in menu bar: checked


  • Keyboard
    • Key Repeat: fastest
    • Delay Until Repeat: shortest
  • Text
    • Remove all replacements
    • Correct spelling automatically: unchecked
    • Capitalize words automatically: unchecked
    • Add period with double-space: unchecked
    • Use smart quotes and dashes: unchecked
  • Shortcuts
    • Use keyboard navigation to move between controls: checked
    • Keyboard -> Change the way Tab moves focus: unchecked


  • Point & Click -> Tap to click: checked
  • Scroll & Zoom -> Scroll direction: Natural: unchecked


  • Scroll direction: Natural: unchecked

Fixing unwanted Spotlight Developer results

    • If you want to install Xcode, then install it now.

    • If you don't want to install Xcode, then open Terminal and run:

      touch /Applications/Xcode.app
  1. Open System Preferences -> Spotlight -> Search Results and uncheck Developer

Mac gripes

Why write these down?

  • Recognizing flaws and potential for improvement is important for progress.
  • Pretending that problems don't exist is anti-intellectual.
  • Being unreceptive to feedback undermines your credibility.
  • Change is not inherently good; rather, good change is good, and bad change is bad.
  • Apple gained lots of goodwill early in its history, but is it still deserved?
  • Do the changes that Apple accumulates over time trend in a good direction?

Inherent mac issues:

  • Basic OS functionality that Windows and Linux have had for decades is not available in macOS, unless you pay for third-party programs to fix what Apple insists isn't a problem

Inherent Apple issues:

Hardware issues

  • Apple Silicon will result in absolute vendor lock-in
  • No replaceable parts
    • Repairs are expensive and take a long time
  • Macbooks overheat and get very hot, very easily. 90C CPU temps are ordinary during simple youtube browsing.
  • Third-party SSD support is intentionally crippled
  • Performance on spinning platter hard drives seems to be degraded in recent macOS versions. "Optimized for SSD" really means "artificially slowed on HDD"
  • There's no context keyboard key
  • No pgdn/pgup/home/end/ins/del keys and inconsistent replacement shortcuts
  • Third-party external monitors don't have full support http://embdev.net/topic/284710#3027030
  • The power cables are made out of fuzzy, grainy rubber that falls apart
  • 16GB RAM limit until recently
  • All Apple mice are bad (though the Apple trackpad is great)
    • The magic mouse:
      • Is imprecise to use and right-clicking is cumbersome because you have to lift your index finger off the mouse
      • Swiping is neat, but more gimmicky than useful. Scrolling is imprecise.
      • Can't be used while charging! The charge port is on the bottom!
      • Not ergonomic: are you holding the mouse upside-down or not?
    • The mighty mouse:
      • Same right click issue as magic mouse; you need to lift your index finger off the mouse to right click
      • Haptic feedback when scrolling is neat, but scrolling is imprecise
    • The hockey puck mouse:
      • Are you holding the mouse upside-down, sideways, or straight?
      • No scroll wheel
    • All other Apple mice: only 1 button, no scroll wheel

Interface issues

  • Command-tab is bad. https://isotoma.com/blog/2010/05/10/solving-the-real-alt-tab-problem/
    • Command-tab breaks spatial memory: windows are not arranged by most recently used
    • When you have 2 windows open in one application and 1 window open in a different, it is very tedious to switch between the 3 quickly.
    • Switching windows with command-tab brings all windows of that application above other applications, so if you only want to bring focus to one window of an application while preserving the layering of other application windows, you need the mouse
    • When command-tabbing with multiple monitors, the space switches instead of focus switching to the application already displayed on the other monitor
  • When you close a program, focus automatically switches to another program which screws up command-tab even more
  • The UI is not discoverable. You discover useful features by accident, or by deliberately, painstakingly searching out features that you don't know about.
  • Scrollbars are hidden by default, reducing density of useful information that had practically no cost.
  • Context menu accelerators (aka context menu hotkeys) are hidden, and not discoverable. The only reason I know some is because they are shown on Windows and Linux
  • GUI configuration of GUI behavior is overly simplistic; there are many useful GUI settings hidden behind undocumented defaults settings
  • You can't focus the system tray with a hotkey, only the application's menu
  • If you get a 104-key USB keyboard, the end key goes to the end of the document instead of the end of the line, and the numpad enter key has different behavior than the regular enter key
  • Forward/back and other extra mouse buttons don't function properly (but they do in Windows and Linux)
  • Tray icons can't hide and can take up too much space (even hiding application menus)
  • Finder is bad
    • Recents should not be the default window location
    • "Search This Mac" should not be the default search target
    • When accidentally command-tabbing to Finder and there is no window, a new Finder window just pops up
    • Finder can't really be quit, which is the result of settling on an implementation detail that causes bad UX
  • The enter key renames folders and files instead of entering the folders or opening the files
  • There is no preview of zip files
  • Clicking on the time in the taskbar does not show a calendar; you have to open up the calendar app separately
  • X11 application integration is intentionally degraded
  • There is no hotkey to lock the screen without sleeping. You need to use a hot corner or download third-party software.
    • The touchbar on newer macs can be configured to show a lock button, but the touchbar is an abomination (see below)
  • There are no window borders. Shadows overlap and make distinguishing between different windows of tiled applications hard.
    • Windows used to only be resizable from the bottom right corner. Hurray, they fixed that!
    • Workaround to disable shadows: MacForge + noShadows
  • With multiple monitors you can't choose which one the dock stays on
  • If you accidentally bump the mouse over a command-tab icon then your command-tabbing resets to that icon
  • Mouse acceleration ramps up too fast
    • The only free mouse acceleration workaround does not run anymore, because it is unsigned, but the binary can be manually executed from the terminal.
  • macOS continually gets stripped down, closer to iOS, at the cost of valuable desktop usability and productivity features
  • No trackpad mouse momentum except for when using the very hidden three-finger drag feature
  • The Exposé / Spaces grid was dumbed down to linear Spaces in Mission Control. Exposé was a much more productive approach, appropriate for non-phone devices.
  • Bad discoverability for how to take screenshots

Software issues

  • SMB/CIFS is crazy slow and unreliable even when directly wired into a lan. It seems to be intentionally crippled.
  • The command-line tools are old
  • "About This Mac" phones home each time it is opened
  • 10.10+ is invasive to privacy
  • Siri is creepy
  • No good builtin SFTP / FTP client, and no good open source GUI SFTP / FTP clients
  • You are almost forced to upgrade to the latest version of macos, which lets apple stop caring about quality
    • App developers drop support for non-latest macOS versions quickly, usually without good reason
    • There is no way to stop nags to update to the latest version of macOS, even if that latest version is unsupported on the hardware
  • Kernel panic logs get pruned quickly. The only reason to do this is to remove evidence of the numerous kernel panics.
  • There's no good tiling window manager
  • Apple deprecates software too quickly. Each next release of OS X gets less usable.
  • Copying and downloading large files uses more CPU than Windows or Linux, for some reason.
  • You can't output different audio at the same time to the laptop speakers and to the aux out port (you can in Windows and Linux)
  • The PATH environment variable gets reordered! /etc/profile calls eval `/usr/libexec/path_helper -s`, but it's more of a meddler than a helper
  • tar is not compatible with gnu tar or freebsd tar
  • No built-in equivalent to MS Paint
  • External displays can't be disabled while connected

Filesystem issues

Even more gripes on touchbar macbooks

  • No MagSafe power adapter anymore, and the new USB C power cables are a trip hazard.
  • The keyboard easily gets stuck, repeated, and missing keys
  • The key travel distance is too short to be comfortable, let alone satisfying. You might as well hammer your fingers on wood.
  • I quickly discovered that I rest my fingers on the function keys of laptop keyboards sometimes. This is a problem because the touchbar registers any touch as a key press.
  • The touchbar has no tactile feedback
    • This is especially bad for people with extra accessibility needs.
  • The laptop body is too thin. Mine is actually bent due to an accident outside of my control.
  • Need to carry a dongle around everywhere for USB Type-A devices

Other issues

Less applicable to modern macs now that everything is high DPI:

  • Font rendering is blurry. People call it "smooth", but no, it's blurry. This is by design, because Apple doesn't want to do font hinting or kerning. It's only acceptable on retina displays because the pixels are small enough for the blurriness to be harder to notice.
Unfortunate fanboy-related issues, due to no inherent fault of macs
  • Fanboys parrot the "it just works" trope, even though no, it doesn't just work. Windows actually just works more often, despite how bad it is too.
  • Fanboys think that pretty hardware trumps actual usability
  • Some fanboys try to be helpful but they don't know enough and just wind up spamming useless advice even when they have no clue about the problem
  • When looking for a solution to any mac problem the first response is always "why would you want to do that?" or "you need to learn how to do it the mac way". Apple is always right, no matter how unintuitive one of their UI choices may be.
    • For example, when you were only able to resize windows from the lower right corner, fanboys would mock anyone who wanted to resize from any edge, but when Apple added it, they instantaneously jumped on board.
    • Most people who ask "Why would you want to do that?" do not actually intend to consider the use case

Mac delights

These features are killer. For basic users that need just need an expensive Facebook machine, they outweigh the gripes above. As you get more advanced, the gripes start to matter more.

  • Excellent DPI scaling
  • The best touchpads
    • The old touchpads were already the best, and the force touch touchpads are even better still
  • The command key prevents hotkey conflicts in the terminal
  • Scrolling happens where the mouse is, not necessarily on the focused window
  • AirDrop is supremely useful and is one of the few features that actually "just work" all the time
  • QuickLook is very convenient. Even though it only previews a few file formats, it's still better than any alternative Windows or Linux has.
  • MagSafe power adapter - too bad they killed it
  • The metal finish on macbooks lasts a long time
  • Modifier keys can be easily remapped
  • iTerm 2 is the best terminal emulator of any OS
  • Screen recording is a built-in feature via QuickTime.

Mac neutrals