
General packages

I like to install these on everything:

  • tmux - Create tiles and tabs to run multiple terminal programs. You can detach the tmux session and reattach it from a different terminal, while the programs keep running in the background.
  • vim - Text editor
  • htop - System monitor
  • glances - System monitor
  • ssh - Remote terminal access
  • sshfs - Remote filesystem access
  • fuse - Enables mounting niche filesystems, including sshfs
  • zsh - Featureful POSIX shell
  • bash-completion - Supports tab expansion for more bash commands
  • expect - Script input/output for any terminal program
  • ncdu - Visualize disk usage of folders
  • wine - Run exe files on linux
  • p7zip - Extract any compressed archive
  • git - Version control system
  • tig - Visualize git repositories in the terminal
  • lesspipe - Enables peeking into non-text files, like .tar.gz files, in less
  • moreutils - Useful shell programs for data manipulation
  • pv - Monitor data transfer in a pipe

I like to install these where I have a GUI:

  • terminator - Tiling terminal emulator, minimal
  • tilix - Tiling terminal emulator, with more UI clutter, but with better search
  • dejavu-sans-mono-fonts - Good terminal font
  • xsel - Copy / paste between X11 programs and CLI programs
  • virt-manager - Manage libvirt VMs
  • vlc - Play any media

I like to install these where I own the box:

  • NetworkManager - Easy network configuration tool. Provides nmcli and nmtui for terminals, and there are various desktop environment integrations available.
  • haveged - Pseudo random number generator to keep your random pool filled

Terminator is a nice terminal that can tile windows (ctrl-shift-o and ctrl-shift-e). Tilix is a nice terminal that can tile windows, but has better search functionality and is less widely distributed

Glances customization

Glances is great, but it leaks your data by default!

Edit /etc/glances/glances.conf for the [ip] section:


Glances also includes disk I/O for device maps next to raw devices.

Show only raw device disk I/O by updating the [diskio] section, by hiding device maps, loopback devices, hard drive device partitions, and nvme device partitions:
