My preferred Windows music player.

See also: Quod Libet, a decent open source, cross-platform alternative.

Interface setup



  • Place facets on the top half, with the search bottom-docked
  • Place the playlist view and playlist manager on the bottom half
  • On a row between the top and bottom, place the control buttons, waveform seekbar, and playback order

Playlist generation:

  • Download and install MusicIP Mixer. Allow it to fully analyze the music collection.
  • Turn off the Service Settings in the main GUI
    • File -> Preferences -> Services
    • Leave only API enabled, change the port to 10003
  • Open a shell
    • cd %ProgramFiles%\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer
    • musicmagicserver install
    • net start "MusicIP Server"
  • Edit the services section of mmm.ini to use port 10002 and to use your %appdata%\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer\default.m3lib as cache
  • Restart the MusicIP service, and visit localhost:10002 to make sure it works
  • Install foo_run
  • Create a new Run service called "Generate Playlist" with the path as:
    • "%ProgramFiles%\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe" "http://localhost:10002/api/mix?song=$replace(%path%, ,+)&$replace(%artist%, ,+).m3u"