If you didn't back something up, then it must not have been important. Back everything up, because you don't know what is important.


Use a 3-2-1 backup strategy

  • Have at least 3 copies of your data on different devices, including
  • at least 2 local copies of your data, and
  • at least 1 copy of your data offsite

Start simple and grow

There are many backup programs and solutions, but backing up data doesn't need to be complicated; it is as simple as copy-pasting files to a flash drive. The backup programs just do the chore for you.

Backup zen: Borg

Borg is the best backup tool:

  • It is cross-platform
  • It is written in Python, so in a worst case scenario, there is less standing in the way between you and your data
  • It is actively maintained, and has been for a long time
  • Old backups can be independently deleted
  • Backed-up data is easily accessible; you can even mount a backup as a FUSE device to find and restore specific files

What happens to people who don't backup?